ReactJS vs React Native – Key Difference, Advantages, and Disadvantages

ReactJS vs React Native

​​ReactJS and React Native are two popular frameworks for building user interfaces. While both share the same core principles, they have some fundamental differences. ReactJS is a JavaScript library used for building web applications, whereas React Native is a mobile framework used for building iOS and Android apps with native-like performance. In this comparison, we will explore the features, benefits, and limitations of both ReactJS and React Native to help you choose the best option for your next project.

ReactJS vs React Native both offer the heavy lifting needed for mobile app and web development. The only real difference lies in the functionality each provides.

React Native vs ReactJS have become two of the most popular web development technologies in the world. However, it can be difficult to see the differences between them unless you’re looking at extremely popular sites. This isn’t surprising when you consider that these two technologies are utilized by some of the most well-known websites and mobile applications.

ReactJS and React Native are both competing options in the world of Mobile App Development. However, even the most seasoned developers can be unclear on the details of this argument.

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is a JavaScript library that was created by Facebook. It’s used for building user interfaces and can be used with a variety of programming languages. ReactJS is a popular choice for front-end development because it makes creating interactive UIs easy.

React Native, on the other hand, is a mobile application framework that was created by Facebook. It’s used for building native Android App Development and iOS applications using ReactJS. React Native lets you reuse your existing React knowledge and skills to build native mobile apps.

So, what’s the key difference between ReactJS and React Native? ReactJS is used for developing web applications while React Native is used for developing mobile apps. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each technology to help you decide which one is right for your project. If you’re looking for expert support, consider working with a React JS development company to ensure web or mobile app development success.

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Advantages of ReactJS:

ReactJS has several advantages that have contributed to its popularity among developers. 

Some of the key advantages of ReactJS are: 

1. Reusable Components:

ReactJS allows developers to build reusable components, which can be used across different parts of an application. This makes it easier to maintain the codebase and reduces the amount of code needed to build an application. 

2. Declarative Approach:

ReactJS uses a declarative approach to building UIs, meaning developers can describe how the UI should look. ReactJS handles the underlying logic of updating the UI when data changes, making it easier to build complex and dynamic UIs without worrying about the underlying implementation details. 

3. Virtual DOM:

ReactJS uses a virtual DOM, a lightweight representation of the actual DOM. This makes it faster to update the UI since ReactJS only updates the changed parts of the DOM rather than the entire DOM. 

4. Performance:

ReactJS is highly optimized for performance, which means it can easily handle large and complex applications. It also has a smaller footprint than other JavaScript libraries, making it faster to load and render. 

5. Community:

ReactJS has a large and active community of developers, which means plenty of resources are available for learning and getting help when needed. This also means that many third-party libraries and tools are available for ReactJS, which can help developers build applications more quickly and efficiently.

Business Benefits of Using ReactJS

ReactJS provides several business benefits that make it an attractive choice for companies looking to build web applications.

Some of the key business benefits of using ReactJS are: 

1. Faster Development:

ReactJS allows developers to build applications more quickly and efficiently, which can help businesses get their products to market faster. This is because ReactJS uses reusable components, which can be easily shared across different parts of an application, reducing development time and effort. 

2. Better User Experience:

ReactJS makes it easier to build complex and dynamic user interfaces, which can improve the user experience of an application. This can lead to higher user satisfaction, increased engagement, and better business outcomes. 

3. Improved Performance:

ReactJS is highly optimized for performance, so applications built with ReactJS are faster and more responsive. This can lead to higher user engagement and reduced bounce rates, which can positively impact business metrics such as conversion rates and revenue. 

4. Cost-Effective:

ReactJS is open-source and has a large and active community of developers, so many resources are available for learning and getting help. This can reduce development costs and make it easier for businesses to build high-quality applications without breaking the bank. 

5. Scalability:

ReactJS is highly scalable and can easily handle large and complex applications. This means businesses can build applications that can grow with their needs without worrying about performance or scalability issues.

Another important benefit for businesses is that ReactJS is easy to learn and use. It has a small API and a simple syntax, which can make it much easier for Hiring ReactJS Developers to get up to speed compared to other frameworks such as AngularJS vs ReactJS. This can lead to reduced development costs and faster time-to-market for new web applications.

Finally, ReactJS is also highly scalable. This means that it can be used to develop large-scale web applications without any problems.

Indeed, many of the world’s most prominent websites leverage ReactJS for its efficiency and scalability. For instance, Facebook, the platform where ReactJS originated, and Netflix, known for its seamless streaming experience, are prime examples of ReactJS.

What is React Native?

React Native is one of the most popular frameworks for mobile development and is used by some of the largest companies in the world, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb.

React Native is based on the React JavaScript library, and so shares many of its core features. One of React Native’s key advantages over other mobile development frameworks is its ability to leverage the native capabilities of each platform it runs on. This means that React Native apps can have a truly native feel, while still being cross-platform.

Another advantage of React Native is its flexibility. Because it is based on JavaScript, it can be easily integrated with other technologies and frameworks. This makes it easy to create hybrid applications that combine the best of both worlds – native performance with web-based flexibility.

One downside is that because it uses native components, it can be difficult to achieve a consistent look and feel across different platforms. Another potential issue is that not all native capabilities are available on all platforms – so you may need to do some extra work to get your app working perfectly on every device you want to support.

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Advantages of React Native

React Native is a popular framework for building mobile applications using JavaScript. It has several advantages that have contributed to its popularity among developers.

Some of the key advantages of React Native are:

1. Cross-Platform:

React Native allows developers to build mobile applications running on iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase. This can save development time and effort, as developers don’t have to build separate applications for each platform.

2. Reusable Components:

React Native uses a similar component-based architecture as ReactJS, which allows developers to build reusable components that can be used across different parts of an application. This makes it easier to maintain the codebase and reduces the amount of code needed to build an application.

3. Hot Reloading:

React Native has a feature called hot reloading, which allows developers to see the changes they make to the code in real time on the mobile device or emulator. This can speed up development and testing, as developers don’t have to wait for the code to compile and run every time they change.

4. Native Performance:

React Native uses native components, which means that the applications built with React Native have the same performance and user experience as applications built using native code. This can lead to higher user satisfaction and engagement.

5. Community:

React Native has a large and active community of developers, which means plenty of resources are available for learning and getting help when needed. This also means that many third-party libraries and tools are available for React Native, which can help developers build applications more quickly and efficiently.

Business Benefits of Using React Native

React Native provides several business benefits that make it an attractive choice for companies looking to build mobile applications.

Some of the key business benefits of using React Native are:

1. Faster Development:

React Native allows developers to build mobile applications more quickly and efficiently, which can help businesses get their products to market faster. This is because React Native uses reusable components, which can be easily shared across different parts of an application, reducing development time and effort.

2. Cross-Platform:

React Native allows businesses to build mobile applications running on iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase. This can save development time and resources, as developers don’t have to build separate applications for each platform.

3. Lower Costs:

React Native is open-source and has a large and active community of developers, so many resources are available for learning and getting help. This can reduce development costs and make it easier for businesses to build high-quality applications without breaking the bank.

4. Improved User Experience:

React Native makes it easier to build complex and dynamic user interfaces, which can improve the user experience of a mobile application. This can lead to higher user satisfaction, increased engagement, and better business outcomes.

5. Native Performance:

React Native uses native components, which means that the applications built with React Native have the same performance and user experience as applications built using native code. This can increase user satisfaction and engagement, positively impacting business metrics such as conversion rates and revenue.

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With quick application development, a team of experts will quickly create a prototype of your application. React Native is an interesting way to add cross-platform functionality to an application without reinventing the wheel. Any front-end developer can build something quickly with React Native.

Developers only need to know a few things about JavaScript and the platform APIs to learn technology–no design experience is required! The Easy Learning curve makes it easy for non-developers to build successful apps with React Native. Even if you’re not a great developer, you can take your business idea and turn it into reality.

Ever wanted to see the changes you made in your code instantly? The Hot Reloading Feature enables you to do just that.

React Native is an amazing framework that allows you to build mobile apps in JavaScript, and it has a Hot Reloading feature that automatically reloads your app so the App Development Process is fast. This makes it easy for us to work together and makes the overall time it takes to develop the app.

Having a smoother and more intuitive user interface enhances the overall experience for customers. You’ll have an amazing mobile experience with the React Native framework, but you can also share UI libraries to save time. You’ll be able to focus on innovating your business rather than developing from-scratch UI libraries.

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Difference Between ReactJS vs React Native

ReactJS and React Native are two popular choices for front-end development. They both offer many features, but there are some key differences between them that you should be aware of before making a decision.

ReactJS is a JavaScript library that is used by many large companies to build user interfaces. It was created by Facebook and has been used on websites such as Netflix, Airbnb, and Walmart. React Native is a mobile framework that allows you to create native apps for iOS and Android using ReactJS.

FeatureReactJSReact Native
PlatformWeb DevelopmentMobile App Development
RenderingDOM (Document Object Model)Native UI Components (iOS and Android)
ComponentsWeb ComponentsNative Components
StylingCSSCSS + Platform-specific Styles + Inline Styles
Development CycleFastFast
Code ReusabilityWeb ProjectsiOS and Android Projects
Third-party libsAbundantAvailable but more limited for some features
Access to APIsWeb APIsNative APIs (via JavaScript bridge)
CommunityLarge and ActiveLarge and Active
Learning CurveModerateModerate to Steep (due to platform specifics)


The key difference between ReactJS and React Native is that ReactJS is a JavaScript library while React Native is a mobile application development framework. Both ReactJS and React Native have their advantages and disadvantages. However, when choosing between the two, it depends on what your specific needs are. If you need to develop a mobile app quickly and efficiently, then React Native would be the better option. However, if you’re looking for more flexibility and customizability, then ReactJS would be a better choice.

Reactjs and React Native are two popular pillars of web and app development due to their flexibility, evolving ecosystem of libraries, and growing popularity.

Reactjs is the JavaScript library that powers React Native, and it runs on a different thread with a different state. In other words, React Native relies heavily on Reactjs.

If you want something that will provide maximum functionality, Reactjs might be the ideal choice. React Native is best for giving your apps a native feel, especially for mobile devices. You can even mix and match the two frameworks to get the best of both worlds.

Reactjs vs React Native both have limitations, but they offer plenty of benefits as well. To make a decision, you’ll need to weigh the pros and cons of each technology side by side and make an informed choice based on the priorities you have.

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About Author

Ankit Rupapara

Ankit Rupapara is an agile project manager and self-taught iOS Developer. As Team Lead at iCoderz, he has led a team of 18 and delivered multiple projects. Ankit also serves as Product Lead for Deonde, managing tech strategy and UI/UX for on-demand solutions. He excels in decision-making, time management, and stakeholder relationships.

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