Why Laravel is the Best PHP Framework In 2025?

Laravel is the Best PHP Framework

As technology is developing every day, the pace of software evolution is also increasing rapidly. People are searching for new technology all the time. That is why developers are trying to build something new regularly.

Building websites for different purposes is also one of the most important parts of technological development. Developers want something that can make their tasks as easy as possible.

Laravel is one such platform that helps developers build a unique website for their customers. Laravel is one of the best framework platforms used in the development of well-known websites like Alison, Alphaorders.com, MyRank, Mack Hankins, Cachet, etc. These are some of the best and top websites that are built using the Laravel framework.

Laravel is the framework for the PHP language and has lots of crucial and critical features that can help you build unique websites. It has been one of the most popular framework platforms out there. According to instride, there are more than 6,45,000 active websites made with Laravel.

Let us now discuss the benefits of Laravel. After going through these benefits, you will be able to distinguish easily that , Why Laravel is the Best PHP Framework In 2025?

Benefits Of Laravel

Laravel is considered one of the most popular PHP frameworks because of the following benefits:


As we mentioned in the above paragraph, this framework is used by more than six lakh active websites all over the world. Every developer in the world knows about this framework. The reason behind this popularity is the expertise developers have, in this framework.

If you encounter any kind of technical issue while dealing with your website, you will get a fast solution to your problem. This is Why Laravel is the Best PHP Framework amongst developers.

High-End Security

When you want a website to be developed, the most crucial thing you think about is its security. No one wants their website to get hacked and their data stolen. The first and foremost requirement of a website owner is safety.

Laravel is one of the most secure platforms present in the race today. It uses SQL injection to strengthen its security and protect the data of the customers on your website. You do not have to worry about your website’s safety if it’s built on the Laravel platform.

Multilinguistic Ability

This is one of the features that makes this framework stand out from the competition. This feature of being able to support multiple languages makes the framework capture larger areas with different cultures. Developers can use this framework for a Russian client as well as an Indian client without any issues.

This is also one of the reasons Why Laravel is the Best PHP Framework amongst developers and website owners. If you get a platform that provides you with the option of your language, it creates a different connection with it.

Economical Choice

It can be one of the most relieving features of this framework. Even if this framework provides you with the best features, some clients will reject things because of the price they carry. You have been easing over this issue also. You don’t need to worry about the price because you don’t have to pay anything to use Laravel!

With this feature, it also provides you with inbuilt systems that will help the developers to make their processes easy enough to work with.

Less Time Spent on Building

As discussed above, Laravel provides some inbuilt tools and functions that can help you build your website in no time. You just need to implant those tools and features on your website. These features and tools will help you save time on Laravel web development company.

Moreover, Laravel uses MVC architecture, which is one of the most organized forms of developing your website. Overall, you get lots of time saved, which eventually helps you market and earn greater revenues than others.

Multiple Libraries and Configurations

Laravel has 20 different libraries that help users easily develop websites. The various configurations also make the framework one of the most flexible and user-friendly platforms for users. The libraries provide great assistance to the developers in the process and help the developers to create compatible websites.

Also Read: Top 10 Features of Laravel Framework

Traffic Management

This platform helps the website owner get a well-featured and perfectly developed website. It makes the users invest in their website easily. Due to a good investment in the advertising of the website, it receives more traffic.

It is a well-known fact that if a website is receiving more traffic than it can handle, it usually crashes. Don’t worry! It isn’t the case with Laravel. It does not crash or hang if it is receiving more traffic. It manages the traffic very well and helps the customers, even with too much load.

All the features we discussed above make Laravel the best and most robust framework to develop your website. The website that is developed on this platform will never lag or run slowly. The features used in this platform are next level.

If you want your website to be up-to-date, you need to have this framework working for you as the backend of your website.

As we know, this is one of the best PHP frameworks. Now let us see what makes it the best among PHP Development itself.

Reasons Why Laravel Is the Best PHP Framework

Artisan Console

It is one of the inbuilt tools of the Laravel framework. It helps the developers perform monotonous tasks, which are usually ignored while building websites. It is simply used to create database structures and architectures. It helps the developers by reducing their hectic work and also helps produce package assets.

MVC Support

It is also an inbuilt feature that helps change and modify the templates and the codes of the website development easily. This feature helps to refine the overall performance and process of your website.

Libraries And Configurations

Multiple libraries are already present in the framework. They are only present in Laravel but not in PHP itself. These authentication libraries help monitor the regular users and the procedure to reset the passwords. It also helps the developers to build modular apps.

Code Separation

If any platform provides this feature in the early stages of the development, it will help the developer to fix the errors and bugs easily and faster than the others. Laravel provides you with this feature and helps you to build a strong and healthy website for the users. In this matter, Laravel is the best framework platform than other frameworks present in PHP like CodeIgniter.

Blade Template Engine

It is one of the most necessary templates in Laravel that helps you change the data inside the views. It also helps you build complicated layouts with ease. It uses the extension namely.blade.php


Routing is an easy job when you are working with Laravel. Routing helps you in the application of filters, grouping the routes, naming them and binding your model data to the routes. It also helps the developers form search-friendly URLs.

Eloquent ORM

Object-relational mapping (ORM) is also one of the inbuilt features of the Laravel framework. It lets the developers aid in object and relationship interaction with the help of eloquent syntax. Above we discussed the Blade template files. It is also one of the inbuilt templates of this ORM.

Authentication Of the Framework

This has been one of the most notable features of a web application platform. It needs to be authenticated.  Developers consume lots of time writing authenticated code. It is one of the most time-consuming tasks but not with Laravel.

Code authentication is one of the inbuilt and ready-to-use features in this PHP framework. The only thing which is required to be done is to configure the controllers, models, views and database migrations to make the system perform.

Migration Systems

You can also create databases with the help of the migrations system Laravel is providing to you. You can use the PHP language to write migration code and then use it to form tables, indices, and databases. You do not have to create a new table or index every time you want one. You can just use the migrations code and move further.

Being Local

As we mentioned above, Laravel is a multilingual framework that can help you localize easily. It lets you write code and build a multilingual web application. You need not do anything about this. Laravel lets you use various strings for different languages by using the trans () helper.

Security Features of Laravel

One of the biggest concerns of a website owner is the security of that website. No one can compromise the integrity of this prime feature. A user’s first and foremost concern is security.

In this part, we are going to discuss some of the reasons Why Laravel is the Best PHP Framework at providing safeguards for your website.

Laravel Authentication System

We have discussed this point in the above portion. The codes of Laravel are authenticated. As part of Laravel, this feature allows you to authenticate the code during the development of your website. All you need to do is configure the controllers, models, and database for the process.

Use Of CSRF Tokens

Security is another prime feature provided by Laravel to its users. Laravel uses Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) tokens to help you differentiate between fake and original user requests. If you pass the code for these tokens, they will check all the requests and identify any fake requests.

It automatically makes that request invalid so that you do not need to worry about it. The code you need to pass is {!! csrf _ field() !!}

XSS Protection

If your website is under an XSS attack, the attacker tries to enter JavaScript into your website. If your website is not XSS protected, it will execute the page reload every time. Laravel escapes all the outputs and reduces the exposure of your website visitors to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).

SQL Injection

When you use Laravel for the development of a website or application, you don’t have to worry about the security and safety of your project. It is a prime feature of the Eloquent ORM of Laravel. The ORM uses PDO binding to prevent SQL injection and to check that the client or user is not able to edit or modify the SQL queries.

Security Packages for Laravel

To amplify the security of your website and application, there are some security packages offered by Laravel:

  • Laravel security
  • Laravel-ACL
  • The Laravel Security component

Also Read: 20 Best Laravel Packages To Use in 2025

Which Is the Latest Version of Laravel In 2025?

The latest version of the Laravel framework is the Laravel Version 11, released on March 12th, 2024. If you are using version 8 or 9, you should upgrade to the latest version because these versions won’t be supported by the end of this year.

Also Read: Laravel 11: Exploring the Latest Update

Let us discuss some of the features that are upgraded in this latest version

  1. To use this version, you at least need PHP 8.2.
  2. It will use Symphony Mailer for this version and all upcoming versions of Laravel instead of Swift Mailer.
  3. We can now use the controller to route groups.
  4. You will get better accessors and mutators in eloquent ORM.
  5. You get a new scout database engine.
  6. You get inline blade rendering to transform the raw blade into valid HTML.
  7. You are getting a new query builder interface.

These are some of the new features you will get in the latest version of the Laravel framework for the PHP language. There are many more features you get. You can check all of them on the official website of Laravel.

Wrapping It Up

At the end of this article, we would like to tell you about our company. We have experience Laravel developers who can help you in your journey to build an amazing website or an application. You can Hire Laravel Developers from iCoderz for a minimal amount.

Laravel is the best PHP framework for developing customized websites and applications. It has been proved in the above article. All the major concerns and queries of a website owner like security, authentication, etc. have been taken care of in this framework. You can simply depend on Laravel to get the best for yourself!

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About Author

Jaitik Valand

Jaitik Valand is a Technical Project Manager at iCoderz Solutions, excelling in Agile methodologies and innovative solutions. With 9 years of full-stack development experience, he specializes in PHP, Laravel, Python, and JavaScript, focusing on high-performance applications and user experience.

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